Memorable Quotes from The Matrix 1999ltlt黑客帝国1999经典台词 lt一 Trinity I know why you#39re here, Neo I know what you#39ve been doing I know why you hardly to sleep, why you live alone;大哥,这是转来的,只能给你部分经典的台词Zion! Hear me!锡安的同胞们听我说 It is true what many of you have heard你们所听说的大部分都是真的 The machines have gathered an army, and as I speak;MORPHEUS与NEO的那段经典对白“Let me tell you why you are here You are here because you know something What you know you can#39t explain but you feel it You#39ve felt it in your entire life, felt;Trinity I know why you#39re here, Neo I know what you#39ve been doing I know why you hardly sleep why you live alone, and why, night after night you sit at your computer You#39re;287 002656,400 002658,390 I remember288 002659,270 002701,670 I remember you used to dance289 002703,310 002706,570 I remember you were pretty good290 00。
蓝色药片,还是红色药片黑客帝国在我们的生活中,确实经常会面临着这样必须做出没有退路的选择5 I don’t kown if you are keeping up with current events but we just got our asses kicked!我不知道;Oracle I#39m going to let you in on a little secret Being the One is just like being in love No one can tell you you’re in love, you just know it Through and through Balls to bonesOracle;黑客攻击电脑,就是要找到程序的后门也就是漏洞 经典台词有 1 人在这世界里,有许多事情是我们一定得做的2 没有使命,人类就不会存在,是使命创造了我们,但使命联系着我们牵引着我们指引着我们推动着我们;救世主问原因了,这是Neo在法国人那里学来的第二部里,法国人就给他灌输这种思想,原因是动力啊叔本华认为一个人的行为有两个因素动机和性格原因就是动机,这是没有争议的,而性格,既然是塑造出来的,同样也可以被改变;黑客帝国我们在这里不是因为我们自由,我们在这里是因为我们不自由教父如果生活中还有什么东西是可以确定的,如果历史还教会了我们什么东西,那就是你可以去杀死任何人永远不要让任何人知道你的想法我准备向他开出一个。
黑2是系列里最差的,故事冗长拖沓,情节混乱不堪,出场人物众多,表演夸张欠火候,大量情节可有可无,很多人看完黑2是一头雾水,不知所云但要论思想性,黑2最深刻,最经典,可惜的是,用电影表现哲学;The Matrix Transcript Dialogue from the Movie All the Words and Nothing but the Words Courtesy of Tim Staley with a few minor correctionsCellularCypher YeahTrinity Is everything in place?Cypher You;电影quotMatrix quot黑客帝国,第二集于 2003 年上演,我现在讲的是在 1999 年的第一集这部电影我已在有线电视上看过二三次,但是精彩的对话太多,来不及抄下来,只好租 DVD 回家慢慢欣赏这部电影真的很难得,即使佛教界自己筹资。
然后男人说“要有光”他就被恩赐了光,热,磁,重力以及整个宇宙的能量;当我想要对你们人类进行分类的时候,我突然觉得你们并非是哺乳动物,任何一种哺乳动物都会本能的发展自然平衡与周围的环境交融在一起,可你们不是这样,你们每到一个地方就大量的繁殖,直到那儿的各种自然资源全被耗尽,你们;2兄弟连I remember my grandson asked me the other day, he said quotGrandpa, were you a h ero in the great war?quotquotNo,quotI replied,quotBut I served in a company of heroesquot有一天我的小孙子问我“;Morpheus There are some things in this world, captain Niobe, that will never changeMorpheus Some things do change以上是对奈奥比说的“世界上有些事情永远不会改变,但是有些却变了”经典对白。