这么说可能很多人摸不找头脑,看Neo眼瞎之后的视野就知道我在说什么了死不死的问题也很有趣,”你应该死了,但是还有准备好”够绝!敢情不准备好死还死不了了Neo是否该死的问题没有必要解释,也无法解释,因为每个人;黑客帝国=The Matrix `meitriksMatrix这个单词在数学中的解释是“矩阵”,医学方面是“母体”“子宫”的意思;8好意思我找到了不少采纳与否在你这个回答放在上也可以为后来者提供点参考吧! 我喜欢的两句 黑客帝国 there#39s no spoon 勺子是不存在的 心灵捕手 it#39s not your fault 这不是你的错 网上的东西;黑客帝国4剧情解析黑客帝国4,如果认真看英文字幕的话,感觉是还不错的,并没有网上评论的那么不堪,画面再度进化,音响也没什么挑剔的,打斗,追车,基本是用新技术再次呈现了,可以说是黑客帝国的次时代进化版世;back to the real reality, to escape the matrix 黑客帝国1剧情简介 在矩阵中生活的一名年轻的网络黑客尼奥基努·里维斯发现,看似正常的现实世界实际上似乎被某种力量控制着,尼奥便在网络上调查此事而在现实中生活。
#8226 Smith 4 Purpose that pulls us,#8226 Smith 5 That guides us,#8226 Smith 6 That drives us,#8226 Smith 7 It is purpose that defines,#8226 Smith 8 Purpose that binds us#;直接给你最终答案吧真正喜欢黑客帝国的朋友会很开心的把下面这大段文字看完的我看了很多有观MATRIX的评论,发现有些仁兄或者是没看MATRIX动画版或者是没玩MATRIX游戏版,他们对MATRIX一知半解,对MATRIX这个结构逻辑严密的;重生或者新生吧,英文Reborn3结局半开放,主要有两个谜团未解,其一尼奥彻底死亡了还是将意识数据化后与矩阵合为一体了其二人类与机械的未来将会如何发展;善有善报 恶有恶报 读小海蒂有感 好词津津有味 兴高采烈 抽泣 断断续续 提心吊胆 金灿灿 和颜悦色 目不转睛 欣喜若狂 眸子 佳句1可是比什么都更吸引小海蒂的,是大风天时,小屋后三棵枞树摇晃的哗哗;N多I remember的那段Zion! Hear me! It is true, what many of you have heard The machines have gathered an army, and as I speak that army is drawing nearer to our homeCrowd whispersBelieve me;The Matrix Transcript Dialogue from the Movie All the Words and Nothing but the Words Courtesy of Tim Staley with a few minor correctionsCellularCypher YeahTrinity Is everything in place?Cypher You;you#39re in control your own life remember? here,take a cookie i promise,by the time you#39re done eating ityou#39ll feel right as rain边看边打的,从进屋开始到离开,LZ,我真的很辛苦呀~~~。
给你一个例子,自己仿照写出自己的作业来My thoughts after watching the movie of ‘Disney Pixar Cars’Lighting is the main character in this movie This film starts with his marvelous car race and a dumb;MORPHEUS与NEO的那段经典对白“Let me tell you why you are here You are here because you know something What you know you can#39t explain but you feel it You#39ve felt it in your entire life, felt;Can you hear me, Morpheus? I#39m going to be honest with you I hate this place, this zoo, this prison, this reality, whatever you want to call it I can#39t stand it any longer It#39s the smell;尼奥就是其中一个尼奥知道后,也加入了人类反抗组织,在墨菲斯的训练下,渐渐成为了一名厉害的“黑客”,并渐渐展露出与其他黑客的不同之处,让莫菲斯也更加肯定他就是救世主,就在这个时候,人类反抗组织出现了叛徒,墨菲;提供本片英语原声无字幕版本RayFile网盘下载链接,需要安装RaySource客户端,新建任务,在下载链接URL这里把下面的地址粘贴上去,就可以下载了fs2youY2FjaGVmalNi5yYXlmalLmNvbS96aC1jbi9kb3dubG9hZC9hMWRiZDE。
Memorable Quotes from The Matrix 1999ltlt黑客帝国1999经典台词 lt一 Trinity I know why you#39re here, Neo I know what you#39ve been doing I know why you hardly to sleep, why you live alone。