Oracle That#39s it That#39s the secret You#39ve got to use your handsSati Why?Oracle Cookies need love like everything does饼干也需要爱!先知开始教Sati那些人类的情感先知教的这种爱是博爱,这一点叔本华。
The Matrix Transcript Dialogue from the Movie All the Words and Nothing but the Words Courtesy of Tim Staley with a few minor correctionsCellularCypher YeahTrinity Is everything in place?Cypher You。
Memorable Quotes from The Matrix 1999ltlt黑客帝国1999经典台词 lt一 Trinity I know why you#39re here, Neo I know what you#39ve been doing I know why you hardly to sleep, why you live alone。
Oracle I#39m going to let you in on a little secret Being the One is just like being in love No one can tell you you’re in love, you just know it Through and through Balls to bonesOracle。
是不是这段I went to the Frenchman ,to save my daughter我是去找法国人知救我女儿 You do not understand 你不明白 I just have never 我从来没有 道Heard a program speak of love听过一个专。
MORPHEUS与NEO的那段经典对白“Let me tell you why you are here You are here because you know something What you know you can#39t explain but you feel it You#39ve felt it in your entire life, felt。
黑客帝国中的经典对白一黑客帝国The Matrix是我非常喜欢的一部电影,前前后后看了不下10遍,它的续集矩阵重装The Matrix Reloaded矩阵革命The Matrix Revolution也看了35。
蓝色药片,还是红色药片黑客帝国在我们的生活中,确实经常会面临着这样必须做出没有退路的选择5 I don’t kown if you are keeping up with current events but we just got our asses kicked!我不知道。
要黑客帝国3 neo与smith 雨中的对话,写清楚哪句是谁说的? 开始是这样的MrAnderson,welcomebackWemissedyou对了请给我英语的,谢谢!重申一遍,哪句话是谁说的请在说的话前注明,谢谢! 开始是这样的Mr Anderson。
是不是这段I went to the Frenchman,to save my daughter我是去找法国人救我女儿 You do not understand 你不明白 I just have never 我从来没有Heard a program speak of love听过一个程序在讲述。
10黑鹰坠落quotMike Thurrent, We won#39#39t leave without you!quot“Mike Thurrent, 我们决不丢下你”黑鹰坠落中一名游骑兵在直升机上对着下面被困的战友喊道9未列入名册这部反映苏联卫国战争的影片,一名。
Morpheus There are some things in this world, captain Niobe, that will never changeMorpheus Some things do change以上是对奈奥比说的“世界上有些事情永远不会改变,但是有些却变了”经典对白。