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Jackson Hurst个人资料简介(简历及图片)

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Jackson Hurst个人资料简介

Jackson Ryan Hurst,中文译名为杰克逊・瑞恩・赫斯,美国影视剧演员,参演过《冻结的一天》《美女上错身》等作品,其中因在热播美剧《美女上错身》中饰演女主角的男友Grayson,而为大众所熟知。2018年7月8日,参演的电视剧《利器》在美国播出,在剧中饰演Kirk Lacey。





身高:6’11’’生长地:克莱因,德克萨斯州Klein, Texas

现居地:洛杉矶,加州,休斯顿,德克萨斯州LA,CA and Houston,TX

毕业于:贝勒大学Baylor University




2018年1月3日,参演的电视剧《紧急呼救》在美国首播。7月8日,参演的电视剧《利器》在美国播出,在剧中饰演Kirk Lacey。




记忆神探 Unforgettable(2011)…steven

河套 The Leep 2011 。。。Lyman

生命之树The tree of life 2010 。。。Uncle Ray

美女上错身Drop Dead Diva (2009-2011) 。。。Grayson Kent

-冻结的一天 Freeze the Day(2010) TV episode …Grayson Kent

-威尔与格雷森Will&Grayson(2010) TV episode …Grayson Kent

-去年的型号 Last Yearu2019s Model(2010) TV episode …Grayson Kent

-一位母亲的秘密A Motheru2019s Secret(2010) TV episode …Grayson Kent

-女王的平均数 Queen of Mean(2010) TV episode …Grayson Kent

罪案终结 The Closer S05E15 (2009) 。。。Sergeant Ryan Dunn

-死人的手 DeadManu2019s Hand(2009) TV episode …Sergeant Ryan

短裤/短裤:该冒险的许愿石Shorts (2009)。。。 Male Employee

活生生的例子 Living Proof (2008) 。。。 Josh

迷雾 The Mist (2007) 。。。Joe Eagleton

散步高层:龙警司/散步高层3 Walking Tall:Lone Justice (2007) 。。。Hank

清洁 Cleaner (2007) 。。。Paramedic

西德克萨斯摇篮曲/有梦想,将旅行/假西德克萨斯儿童的故事 Weat Texas Lullaby (2007) 。。。Jack

引人注目的范围 Striking Range (2006) 。。。Stan

星期三 Wednesday (2006) 。。。Luke

督察妈妈 Inspector Mom (2006) 。。。Andrew

伤亡星期五 Casualty Friday(2006) TV episode …Andrew


By Michael Barnes(节选)

Google, Internet Movie Database, Facebook all offered tantalizing clues: Not long ago, Hurst, 33, had worked out of Austin on movies, including Terrence Malicku2019s “The Tree of Life” and Robert Rodriguezu2019s “Shorts.” He ran triathlons here and – wait a minute! – changed his name.

Jackson Hurst was, at one time, Ryan Hurst. Born and raised in the Houston area. Attended Baylor University. Played volleyball, soccer, with some basketball and baseball on the side. Held down day or late night jobs in Austin while navigating movie gigs in the New Mexico and Louisiana.

Two weeks ago, out of the blue, a Lifetime publicist offered me an interview with Hurst. While this assignment would normally go through the entertainment editor or the television reporter, with their permission, I took the bait.

Last week, in between scenes, Hurst spoke to me by phone from Atlanta. Hold on there, you say: “Diva” is set pretty convincingly in Los Angeles.

“Yeah, the landscape and helicopter shots are done in Los Angeles, but we shoot our scenes in Georgia,” he says. “They built 10 whole, ridiculous stages. When youu2019re watching, youu2019ll see a detail and say: u2018Oh my God, thatu2019s not L.A.!u2019 You can make it into a drinking game.”

Already, I like him. So unruffled and unstuffy for a newly anointed star of a hit TV series that premieres its second season June 6.

“It feels pretty damn good,” Hurst says. “You never know when you start out. I mean, I knew it had a lot of potential: A special chemistry among the cast mixed with the quality of the scripts. And we are given a lot of latitude as actors to create our own worlds, to let us grow our characters.”

Hurst works closely with the creators to coordinate his roleu2019s development.

“What we talk is the trajectory,” he says. “Where are they taking Grayson? Where am I taking him? Last season, it was very much about dealing with grief. But he also has to live a normal life. Now heu2019s got the mindset of a fighter. He fights for the less privileged. Heu2019s emboldened, impassioned, sometimes too aggressive. Youu2019re going see him fighting.”

Hurst landed the job while working on “Living Proof,” the TV movie with Harry Connick Jr., in New Orleans. Its producers were developing “Diva” simultaneously and expressed interest, so Hurst put together an audition.

“I performed in a small room for 20 executives,” he says. “It was like my own one-man show.”

Indeed, Hurst had acted on the stage at St. Pious X High School in Houston and at Baylor in Waco. He actually majored, though, in international economics and management information systems (yawn), with a minor in Spanish. He took off a year to work for a transport company in Mexico City.

“I couldnu2019t shake the need to act, though,” he says. “I promised I wouldnu2019t put on another business suit. Here I am playing a lawyer. Canu2019t escape the suits.”

So why the name change? As anyone in the entertainment industry will tell you, only one person per moniker. Otherwise, mass confusion. And the “Sons of Anarchy” star whose career dates back to 1993 already had dibs on Ryan Hurst. “I was working on a movie about Jack Kerouac when I made the change,” he says. “Jackson is a tribute.”

Yes, but how did I know him? This has been bugging me for more than a year. Without getting stalkerish, I had to know.

We made a checklist of Hurstu2019s activities during his time in Austin. “Well, I was the VIP manager at Qua,” he laughs. Bingo! Together, we recall the early days of the controversial ultra-lounge on West Fourth Street ― yeah, the one with the shark tank ― smack in the middle of the Warehouse District.

“I had a lot of fun in Austin,” he says. “You might have seen me at another party. Or at a few. Like I said, I had a good time.”


1、 以上相关资料源于Austin360 blogs!

2、 Jackson Hurst年龄得问题,有另一个数据是1965年4月26日,可信度不及Michael Barnes。

3、 个人力量有限,希望大家更正完善!



People say there are five stages of grief: denial, anger, Bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Well, I can’t get past my anger. Standing here today, I can’t help but remember Deb’s first words to me… "Are you seriously trying to pull off acid-washed jeans? "

She changed my life. She gave me something to look forward to at the end of each day. Deb taught me to listen to my heart.

She was sweet and kind and unselfish.

And in the worst of times, she could make me laugh.And without her…life will never be the same.

――From Drop Dead Diva

以上整理的Jackson Hurst个人资料信息、 Jackson Hurst图片、Jackson Hurst简介、Jackson Hurst简历、Jackson Hurst作品均来源于网络整理和网友投稿,有更多关于Jackson Hurst个人资料简介(简历及图片)的网页内容欢迎联系,任何不当信息也可以联系编辑删改。





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