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廖虎昌,1989年3月出生,四川大学研究员,博士生导师。上海交通大学博士,英国曼彻斯特大学联合培养博士,西班牙格拉纳达大学博士(生);澳大利亚悉尼科技大学博士后,四川大学博士后。四川省学术和技术带头人后备人选 ,澳大利亚奋进研究学者,IEEE高级会员,中国运筹学会理事,中国管理现代化研究会理事,四川省金融科技学会首届理事。2018年5月在计算机科学领域进入ESI全球前1%的3094名科学家中排名第1134位;在工程学领域进入ESI全球前1%的8305名科学家中排名第7088位。曾多次访问英国曼彻斯特大学、澳大利亚悉尼科技大学、西班牙格拉纳达大学等国际知名高校。


廖虎昌,男,四川大学研究员,四川省学术和技术带头人后备人选 ,澳大利亚奋进研究学者。2015年3月毕业于上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院。2013.10-2014.10 受国家留学基金委资助访问英国曼彻斯特大学(全球排名30)计算机学院。2015.7-2015.12 受澳大利亚教育部资助赴澳大利亚悉尼科技大学工程与信息技术学院从事奋进研究学者博士后研究;2017.1-2017.2 受西班牙格拉纳达大学资助访问格拉纳达大学计算机科学与人工智能学院 ;2017.2-2017.8 受四川大学全额资助访问英国曼彻斯特大学商学院;2018.3-2018.6 受国家自然科学基金资助访问格拉纳达大学计算机科学与人工智能学院 。现为IEEE高级会员,IEEE CIS协会会员,IEEE SMC协会会员,IEEE TCMVL协会会员,国际计算机学会(ACM)会员,美国数学学会(AMS)特约评论员,中国运筹学会会员,中国运筹学会决策科学分会理事,中国管理现代化研究会理事,四川省金融科技学会首届理事,国家自然科学基金评审专家。

曾获教育部高等学校科研优秀成果奖自然科学一等奖(2017),四川大学唐立新优秀学者奖(2017),Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement奖(2017),四川大学-东土学术创新奖—“哲学社会科学重大创新成果奖”(2016),中国博士后基金特别资助(2016),四川大学优秀青年学者科研基金(2016),澳大利亚奋进研究学者奖学金(2015),上海市优秀博士毕业生(2015),第一届(2012)、第二届(2013)、第三届(2014)博士生国家奖学金,上海交通大学优秀博士论文培育基金(2014),国家留学基金委公派留学基金(2013),上海交通大学顾国华博士生奖学金(2013)等。

担任《International Journal of Fuzzy Systems》(SCI,影响因子:2.167)等4本国际期刊副主编,《Information Fusion》(SCI,影响因子:5.667)等9本国际期刊编委,担任《IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems》、《IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics》、《Omega》、《Information Sciences》、《Information Fusion》、《Knowledge-Based Systems》、《Decision Support Systems》、《European Journal of Operations Research》等90余本期刊的审稿专家。





主持国家自然科学基金面上、青年项目,中国博士后基金特别资助、面上项目,四川大学优秀青年学者科研基金,四川省社科规划项目,四川省教育厅重点项目,四川大学引进人才科研启动经费项目,中央高校基本科研业务费研究专项等各类项目15项 。主研参与国家自然科学基金重点、面上项目,国家重点研发计划项目,四川大学青年学者高水平学术团队建设项目等各类项目7项。


在国际Springer出版社出版全英文专著《Hesitant Fuzzy Decision Making Methodologies and Applications》1部,全英文书稿章节1章;在科学出版社出版学术专著《复杂模糊多属性决策理论与方法》和《直觉模糊偏好决策理论与方法》2部。

  • Huchang Liao?and Zeshui Xu, Hesitant Fuzzy Decision Making Methodologies and Applications, Springer, 2017.
    廖虎昌. 直觉模糊偏好决策理论与方法. 科学出版社, 2017.
    廖虎昌. 复杂模糊多属性决策理论与方法. 科学出版社, 2016.
    Huchang Liao?and Zeshui Xu, Consistency and consensus of intuitionistic fuzzy preference relations in group decision making,In:Imprecision and Uncertainty in Information Representation and Processing, Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, vol. 332, pp. 189-206, Springer, 2016. (Invited book chapter)
  • 在《Omega》、《IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems》、《Information Fusion》、《Information Sciences》、《Knowledge-Based Systems》、《Expert Systems with Applications》、《International Journal ofProduction Economics》等国内外重要期刊和会议发表学术论文90篇,其中SSCI论文20篇,SCI论文77篇,第一或通讯作者论文55篇,ESI全球前1%的高被引论文16篇,ESI近两年全球前0.1%的热点论文4篇。


  • Huchang Liao, Zeshui Xu and Xiao-Jun Zeng, Distance and similarity measures for hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets and their application in multi-criteria decision making, Information Sciences, vol. 271, pp. 125-142, 2014. (被引频次235,SCI/EI)Zeshui Xu and?Huchang Liao#,*, Intuitionistic fuzzy analytic hierarchy process, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 749-761, 2014. (被引频次166,SSCI/SCI/EI)Huchang Liao?and Zeshui Xu, A VIKOR-based method for hesitant fuzzy multi-criteria decision making, Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 373-392, 2013. (被引频次152,SCI/EI)
    Huchang Liao*, Zeshui Xu and Xiao-Jun Zeng, Hesitant fuzzy linguistic VIKOR method and its application in qualitative multiple criteria decision making, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 1343-1355, 2015. (被引频次133,SSCI/SCI/EI)
    Huchang Liao, Zeshui Xu, Xiao-Jun Zeng and Jose M. Merigó, Qualitative decision making with correlation coefficients of hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets, Knowledge-Based Systems, vol. 76, pp. 127-138, 2015. (被引频次131,SCI/EI)
    Meimei Xia, Zeshui Xu and?Huchang Liao, Preference relations based on intuitionistic multiplicative information, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 113-133, 2013. (被引频次126,SCI/EI)
    Huchang Liao, Zeshui Xu and Meimei Xia, Multiplicative consistency of hesitant fuzzy preference relation and its application in group decision making, International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 47-76, 2014.(被引频次118,SCI/EI)
    Huchang Liaoand Zeshui Xu, Approaches to manage hesitant fuzzy linguistic information based on the cosine distance and similarity measures for HFLTSs and their application in qualitative decision making, Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 42, pp. 5328-5336, 2015. (被引频次105,SCI/EI)
    廖虎昌, 董毅明. 基于DEA和Malmquist指数的西部12省水资源利用效率研究[J]. 资源科学. 2011, 33(2): 273-279. (被引频次99,CSSCI/CSCD)
    Zeshui Xu andHuchang Liao*, A survey of approaches to decision making with intuitionistic fuzzy preference relations, Knowledge-Based Systems, vol. 80, pp. 131-142, 2015. (被引频次80,SSCI/SCI/EI)
    Huchang Liao*?and Zeshui Xu, Priorities of intuitionistic fuzzy preference relation based on multiplicative consistency, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 1669-1681, 2014. (被引频次76,SSCI/SCI/EI)
    Huchang Liao?and Zeshui Xu, Subtraction and division operations over hesitant fuzzy sets, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 65-72, 2014. (被引频次62,SCI/EI)
    Huchang Liao*, Zeshui Xu, X.J. Zeng and J.M. Merigó, Framework of group decision making with intuitionistic fuzzy preference information, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 1211-1227, 2015. (被引频次54,SCI/EI)
    Huchang Liao?and Zeshui Xu, Some new hybrid weighted aggregation operators under hesitant fuzzy multi-criteria decision making environment, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 1601-1617, 2014. (被引频次53,SCI/EI)
    Huchang Liao*, Zeshui Xu, Xiao-Jun Zeng and Dong-Ling Xu, An enhanced consensus reaching process in group decision making with intuitionistic fuzzy preference relations, Information Sciences, vol. 329, pp. 274-286, 2016.(被引频次48,SCI/EI)
    Huchang Liao, Zeshui Xu and Xiao-Jun Zeng, Novel correlation coefficients between hesitant fuzzy sets and their application in decision making, Knowledge-Based Systems vol. 82, pp. 115-127, 2015. (被引频次48,SCI/EI)
    Huchang Liaoand Zeshui Xu, Multi-criteria decision making with intuitionistic fuzzy PROMETHEE, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, vol. 27, no.4, pp. 1703-1717, 2014. (被引频次46,SSCSCI/EI)
    Huchang Liao?and Zeshui Xu, Satisfaction degree based interactive decision making method under hesitant fuzzy environment with incomplete weights, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 553-572, 2014. (被引频次40,SCI/EI)
    Huchang Liaoand Zeshui Xu, Extended hesitant fuzzy hybrid weighted aggregation operators and their application in decision making, Soft Computing, vol. 19, no. 9, pp. 2551-2564, 2015. (被引频次39,SCI/EI)
    Dejian Yu,?Huchang Liao*, Visualization and quantitative research on intuitionistic fuzzy studies,?
  • Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, vol. 30, no. 6, pp. 3653-3663, 2016.(被引频次36,SCI/EI)?
    Weishu Liu and?Huchang Liao*, A bibliometric analysis of fuzzy decision research during 1970-2015,?International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 1-14, 2017.(被引频次33,SCI/EI)?
    Huchang Liaoand Zeshui Xu, Consistency of the fused intuitionistic fuzzy preference relation in group intuitionistic fuzzy analytic hierarchy process,Applied Soft Computing, vol. 35, pp. 812-826, 2015.(被引频次32,SCI/EI)
    Weishu Liu, Mengdi Gu, Guangyuan Hu, Chao Li,Huchang Liao, Li Tang and Philip Shapira, Profile of developments in biomass-based bioenergy research: a 20-year perspective, Scientometrics, vol. 99, no. 2, pp. 507-521, 2014. (被引频次32,SCI/EI)
    Yixin Zhang, Zeshui Xu, Hai Wang and?Huchang Liao, Consistency-based risk assessment with probabilistic linguistic preference relation,?Applied Soft Computing, vol. 49, pp. 817-833, 2016.(被引频次30,SCI/EI)
    Huchang Liao?and Zeshui Xu, Some algorithms for group decision making with intuitionistic fuzzy preference information,International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 505-529, 2014. (被引频次30,SCI/EI)
    Huchang Liao?and Z.S. Xu, Intuitionistic fuzzy hybrid weighted aggregation operators,?International Journal of Intelligent Systems, vol. 29, no. 11, pp. 971-993, 2014. (被引频次28,SCI/EI)?
    Huchang Liao, Zeshui Xu*, Enrique Herrera-Viedma, Francisco Herrera, Hesitant fuzzy linguistic term set and its application in decision making: A state-of-the art survey,?International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, (2018) in press. DOI: 10.1007/s40815-017-0432-9(被引频次28,SCI/EI)?


    高被引论文(Highly Cited Papers)是指在过去近10年同年度同学科领域中被引频次排名位于全球前1%的论文。热点论文(Hot Papers)是指在过去2年所发表的论文近2个月的被引频次排在该学科排名全球前0.1%的论文。ESI以10年为1个周期对全球所有大学及科研机构的SCI、SSCI论文及其引用情况等进行统计和比较,每2个月更新一次。高被引论文和热点论文从文献角度反映了论文影响力,是衡量学校科研影响力的重要指标之一。

    (The top one percent most highly cited articles published in Engineering/ Computer Science during 2005-2018) ( 16?papers) :

  • Weishu Liu and?Huchang Liao*, A bibliometric analysis of fuzzy decision research during 1970-2015,?
  • International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 1-14, 2017.(被引频次33,SCI/EI)?
    Huchang Liao*, Zeshui Xu, Xiao-Jun Zeng and Dong-Ling Xu, An enhanced consensus reaching process in group decision making with intuitionistic fuzzy preference relations, Information Sciences, vol. 329, pp. 274-286, 2016. (201703新增加)
    Huchang Liao*, Zeshui Xu and Xiao-Jun Zeng, Hesitant fuzzy linguistic VIKOR method and its application in qualitative multiple criteria decision making, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 1343-1355, 2015. (201701新增加)
    Huchang Liao?and Zeshui Xu. Approaches to manage hesitant fuzzy linguistic information based on the cosine distance and similarity measures for HFLTSs and their application in qualitative decision making. Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 42, no. 12, pp. 5328-5336, 2015. (201609新增加,热点论文)
    Zeshui Xu and?Huchang Liao*,A survey of approaches to decision making with intuitionistic fuzzy preference relations, Knowledge-Based Systems, vol. 80, pp. 131-142, 2015. (201607新增加)
    Huchang Liao?and Zeshui Xu, Extended hesitant fuzzy hybrid weighted aggregation operators and their application in decision making, Soft Computing, vol. 19, no. 9, pp. 2551-2564, 2015. (201605新增加,201605新增ESI热点论文)
    Huchang Liao, Zeshui Xu, Xiao-Jun Zeng and Jose M. Merigó, Qualitative decision making with correlation coefficients of hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets, Knowledge-Based Systems, vol. 76, pp. 127-138, 2015.
    Huchang Liao?and Zeshui Xu, Priorities of intuitionistic fuzzy preference relation based on multiplicative consistency, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 1669-1681, 2014.
    Zeshui Xu and?Huchang Liao#,*, Intuitionistic fuzzy analytic hierarchy process, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 749-761, 2014.
    Huchang Liao, Zeshui Xu and Xiao-Jun Zeng, Distance and similarity measures for hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets and their application in multi-criteria decision making, Information Sciences, vol. 271 pp. 125-142, 2014.
    Huchang Liao, Zeshui Xu and Meimei Xia, Multiplicative consistency of hesitant fuzzy preference relation and its application in group decision making, International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 47-76, 2014. (ESI热点论文)
    Huchang Liao?and Zeshui Xu, Some new hybrid weighted aggregation operators under hesitant fuzzy multi-criteria decision making environment, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 1601-1617, 2014.
    Huchang Liao?and Zeshui Xu, Subtraction and division operations over hesitant fuzzy sets, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 65-72, 2014.
    Huchang Liao?and Zeshui Xu, Multi-criteria decision making with intuitionistic fuzzy PROMETHEE, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, vol. 27, no.4, pp. 1703-1717, 2014.
    Meimei Xia, Zeshui Xu and?Huchang Liao, Preference relations based on intuitionistic multiplicative information, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 113-133, 2013.
    Huchang Liao?and Zeshui Xu, A VIKOR-based method for hesitant fuzzy multi-criteria decision making, Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 373-392, 2013. (ESI热点论文)



    以上整理的廖虎昌个人资料信息、 廖虎昌图片、廖虎昌简介、廖虎昌简历、廖虎昌作品均来源于网络整理和网友投稿,有更多关于廖虎昌个人资料简介(简历及图片)的网页内容欢迎联系,任何不当信息也可以联系编辑删改。





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    Mengdi Gu, Guangyuan Hu, Chao Li,Huchang Liao, Li Tang and Philip Shapira, Profile of devel


