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大学生创业的计划 谈创新创业

访客3年前 (2021-10-02)网络黑客600










Today's article

Undergraduates’ cognitive evaluation of innovation and entrepreneurship is: innovation and entrepreneurship is a process that extremely tests personal abilities. At present, innovation and entrepreneurship are mainly concentrated in popular industries such as the Internet, the Internet of Things, ecological and environmental protection, and agricultural e-commerce. At present, college students are not very enthusiastic about innovation and entrepreneurship, and they are not very motivated. Although there are policies and the strong support of universities for innovation and entrepreneurship, the results of innovation and entrepreneurship for college students are not significant at present.

1. Strengthen college students' awareness of innovation and entrepreneurship

At present, less than 10% of college students choose to start a business in my country each year, mainly because college students do not have the willingness to actively innovate and start a business. The cultivation of students’ awareness of innovation and entrepreneurship is often neglected by family education and school education. When students are exposed to innovation and entrepreneurship, they have to wait until the university level education. On the one hand, innovation and entrepreneurship education at this stage misses the best enlightenment period for students. On the one hand, there are many formalisms in innovation and entrepreneurship education at the university level.

At the same time, we will strengthen credit support for the funds needed for college students to start their own businesses. Undergraduate entrepreneurs will face many difficulties, such as: excellent entrepreneurial projects lack protection, technical achievements are easily plagiarized; entrepreneurship lacks start-up capital, and it is difficult to obtain bank loans and venture capital. Most entrepreneurs can only choose to raise funds by themselves. Therefore, the encouraging policies for college students’ entrepreneurship need to be implemented. On the one hand, the threshold for innovation and entrepreneurship needs to be lowered, and on the other hand, students’ innovation and entrepreneurship achievements need to be protected, and a good environment for innovation and entrepreneurship should be provided for college students.

2. Strengthen the innovation and entrepreneurship of universities

Colleges and universities should not only focus on the construction of disciplines and teachers. Colleges and universities need to incorporate students' innovation and entrepreneurship capabilities into their talent training plans. Universities can help students transform innovative ideas into entrepreneurial results through industry-university research bases, and can also stimulate students' interest in innovation and entrepreneurship by regularly holding various innovative and entrepreneurial activities, and enhance students' entrepreneurial ability. Parents should attach importance to the cultivation of their children's awareness of innovation and entrepreneurship. The cultivation of innovation and entrepreneurship awareness cannot be done by the school alone. Parents need to actively guide their children to conduct innovation and entrepreneurship, respect their children’s choices, and not ignorantly require their children to perform well.

College students need to actively participate in various innovation and entrepreneurship activities and continuously improve their innovation and entrepreneurship capabilities in simulation practice. College students need to change their traditional ideas about innovation and entrepreneurship, and innovation and entrepreneurship are not irrelevant to them. Through participating in various innovation and entrepreneurship activities of the school, cultivate their own sense of innovation, accumulate experience in relevant events, and enhance their entrepreneurial ability. Innovation and entrepreneurship require considerable professional knowledge and personal ability. It is difficult for college students to meet the requirements of entrepreneurship just by studying the school's innovation and entrepreneurship courses. Therefore, only through continuous practice, accumulation of experience and contacts in various innovation and entrepreneurship competitions, and full use of the professional knowledge learned in entrepreneurial projects, can students effectively transform their innovative ideas into entrepreneurial results.









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