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hacker2年前 (2022-10-10)网络黑客122

1、Dialogue from the Movie All the Words and Nothing but the Words Courtesy of Tim Staley with a few minor correctionsCellularCypher YeahTrinity Is everything in place?Cypher You weren#39t supposed to。

2、Trinity I know why you#39re here, Neo I know what you#39ve been doing I know why you hardly sleep why you live alone, and why, night after night you sit at your computer You#39re。

3、MORPHEUS与NEO的那段经典对白“Let me tell you why you are here You are here because you know something What you know you can#39t explain but you feel it You#39ve felt it in your entire life, felt。

4、额,原版电影的台词是i know kongfu只是国语版翻译的时候翻成了“我学会功夫了”而已,by the way,黑客帝国1的翻译错误还真是不少比如外国人说得“the one”一般是救世主的意思,中文直接翻译成“那个人”,我。


6、The Oracle Well, come on I ain#39t gonna bite ya Come around here, and let me have a look at ya My goodness, look at you! You turned out all right, didn#39t you? How do you feel?Neo I。


8、What if I can#39t stop him?Oracle One way or another, Neo, this war is going to end Tonight, the future of both worlds will be in your hands or in his我找来的中英文版本,希望你能喜欢。

9、本片的完整英文台词,见附件如果看不到附件,请用电脑访问楼主说的这段台词,开始于019450194501947That sounds like a really good deal0194901950But I got a better one0。


10、先知i know you#39re neo,be right with youneoyou#39re the orache?先知bingo,not quite what you were expecting,right?almost donesmell good,don#39t they?neoya~先知i#39d ask you to sit down,but you#39re。

11、我把它理解为 黑客帝国 搜了一个 最好的办法还是自己看一遍把喜欢的摘录下来 属于自己的经典不是吗黑客帝国中的经典对白一黑客帝国The Matrix是我非常喜欢的一部电影,前前后后看了不下10遍,它。

12、Zion! Hear me!锡安的同胞们听我说 It is true what many of you have heard你们所听说的大部分都是真的 The machines have gathered an army, and as I speak电脑召集的机器兵团 that army is drawing。

13、Everything that has a beginning, has an end原本是先知的名句,后来是她控制Smith说的。

14、是不是这段I went to the Frenchman ,to save my daughter我是去找法国人知救我女儿 You do not understand 你不明白 I just have never 我从来没有 道Heard a program speak of love听过一个专。

15、是不是这段I went to the Frenchman,to save my daughter我是去找法国人救我女儿 You do not understand 你不明白 I just have never 我从来没有Heard a program speak of love听过一个程序在讲述。


16、第二部Smith Mister Anderson! Did you get my package?Neo YeahSmith Well, goodMorpheus SmithLink Whoever it is, he#39s not reading like an agentSmith Surprised to see me?Neo NoSmith Then。

17、黑客帝国68I’ll never let go ,I’ll never let go ,Jack 我决不放弃,我决不放弃,杰克 泰坦尼克号69I love waking up in the morning and not knowing what’s going to happen, or who I’m。





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2年前 (2022-10-11)

Smith Surprised to see me?Neo NoSmith Then。17、黑客帝国68I’ll never let go ,I’ll never let go ,Jack 我决不放弃,我决不放弃,杰克 泰坦尼克号69

2年前 (2022-10-10)

ley with a few minor correctionsCellularCypher YeahTrinity Is everything in place?Cyp

2年前 (2022-10-10)

ou hardly sleep why you live alone, and why, night after night you sit at your computer You#39re。3、MORPHEUS与NEO的那段经典对白“Let me tell you why you

2年前 (2022-10-10)

che?先知bingo,not quite what you were expecting,right?almost donesmell good,don#39t they?neoya~先知i#39d a

2年前 (2022-10-11)

erything in place?Cypher You weren#39t supposed to。2、Trinity I know why you#39re here, Neo I know what you#39ve been doing I know why you hardly slee


